WINNER: Ground Under Repair - 'Time Shouts'
PEOPLES CHOICE: Hamidreza Majnooni, Samaneh Khatamirad and Maryam Khatamirad - 'World warp & woof: Understand the space between weaving'
The Tapestry Design Prize for Architects 2021 received an impressive 141 designs from around the globe – a substantial increase from the inaugural Prize. The judging panel selected 15 shortlisted finalists on their tapestry designs: Abhinay H Satam + Shristi D Rawat; Amaia Sanchez-Velasco + Jorge Valiente Oriol; Ana Mircetic-Velickovic; Anthony El Khoury; Catherine Roden + Stephen Brameld; Connected Dots Studio; Ground Under Repair; Hamidreza Majnooni, Samaneh Khatamirad + Maryam Khatamirad; Madeleine Gallagher, Julie Lee, Georgina de Beaujeu + Lis de Vries; Michael Chapman; multiplicity in conjunction with Zoe Frazzetto; Nicholas Bucci; Original Field of Architecture + Art Bunker; Studio KaaKi; Studio WW.
First prize was awarded to 'Time Shouts' by Ground Under Repair. ‘'Time Shouts' seeks to shift perceptions and values and is a beautiful and provocative entry that exemplifies and expands the agenda of the Tapestry Design Prize for Architects’ says TDPA 2021 Jury Chair, Professor Cameron Bruhn.
The jury also awarded three high commendations to 'A Paradigm Shift' by Abhinay H. Satam and Shristi D. Rawat (India); 'Apocalypse' by Michael Chapman (Australia) and 'This Place' by Madeleine Gallagher, Julie Lee, Georgina de Beaujeu and Lis de Vries (Australia).
The site for the Tapestry Design Prize for Architects 2021 design challenge was the multi-award-winning Phoenix Central Park designed by John Wardle Architects and Durbach Block Jaggers. Applicants could submit a tapestry design in response to three locations across the inspiring site where architecture, interior design, visual and performing arts enhance and embrace the other for an immersive experience.
Judges included: Professor Cameron Bruhn (Chair), Brook Andrew, Diane Jones, Emeritus Professor Valerie Kirk, Dimmity Walker and John Wardle.