22 Temenggong Road, Twilight is a tapestry designed by Singaporean-based architect and winner of the 2016 Tapestry Design Prize for Architects (TDPA) Justin Hill.
The TDPA was launched in 2015 as a significant partnership between Architecture Media, the Tapestry Foundation of Australia and Creative Partnerships Australia, and invites architects, designers and architecture students to design an ambitious tapestry for a hypothetical site. The TDPA offers an opportunity for contemporary architects to re-engage with the long tradition and history between architecture and tapestry.
Justin Hill’s prize-winning design was chosen from an outstanding field of 117 entries from 76 entrants around the globe. Hill’s design is based on his personal experience living in Singapore.
Speaking of the tapestry, Hill said:
“The subject is my house, where I lived through my 30s and 40s… The scene is early one evening, taken from an adjusted photograph looking from the garden into my house, when the luminous blue of the short tropical twilight briefly equalises with the light within the house. Only then is the interior of the house revealed through layers of fraying blinds and window mesh, as the layers in the timber framing and walls of the house become visible.”
At the centre of the design are two figures depicted as silhouettes. These two figures are based on a photograph of Hill and his mother, taken during a recent family gathering in Tasmania.
This is the first major tapestry project undertaken by ATW Weaver Interns Karlie Hawking, Leith Maguire and Sophie Morris. Under the supervision of former ATW head weaver Sue Batten and master weavers Cheryl Thornton, Chris Cochius and Pam Joyce, Karlie, Leith and Sophie have applied the skills and techniques they have developed during their training to this stunning design. Prior to commencing work on this project, the interns undertook extensive sampling and design translation.
Justin Hill was born in Tasmania, and has been living in Singapore since 1981. He is a Director at the Kerry Hill Architects practices in Singapore and Perth, Western Australia. Hill is also an acknowledged stage designer, responsible for more than 30 productions in opera, drama and dance.