As part of the Australian Tapestry Workshop’s (ATW) fortieth anniversary celebrations, we featured 40 years of contemporary Australian tapestry creation through a vibrant exhibition of samples from some of our most interesting past projects. These wonderful experimental samples represented the journey of the ATW from 1976 to the present day.
Our skilled weavers work with artists, designers and architects from Australia and overseas to produce tapestries that are known for their vibrancy, technical accomplishment and inventive interpretation. The weaving of samples is one of the first steps of each tapestry project. The process gives the weavers and collaborating artists an opportunity to explore vision, size, colour, texture and techniques, and this ultimately sets the creative direction for each tapestry.
These samples are archived by the ATW as a valuable source of knowledge and inspiration. They are an important record of how creative options for interpretation of the design for each tapestry are explored. They also provide an excellent educational resource for weavers and lovers of textiles. This exhibition surveyed the accomplishments of the ATW from humble beginnings to a world-renowned institution, through investigating the possibilities of tapestry weaving.
Where: Australian Tapestry Workshop
262 - 266 Park Street
South Melbourne VIC 3205