ATW: TAPESTRY COLLECT featured over 30 small tapestries from leading contemporary Australian and international artists and weavers for sale at the ATW.
The tapestries ranged in price from $100 to $8000. Whether you were an experienced collector, considering your first tapestry, or looking for a unique Christmas gift - there was something here for you.
Your support in purchasing a tapestry from the ATW will assist us in creating more opportunities for weaver and artists to collaborate and push the boundaries of contemporary tapestry weaving.
John Cattapan, Andrew Cooks, Rhett D'Costa, Peter Ferguson, Roger Ingpen AM, Louise Forthun, Belinda Fox, Patsy Hely, Deborah Klein, Sue Lovegrove, Bai Bai Napangati, Nusra Latif Qureshi, Jimmy Pike, Sangeeta Sandrasegar, Judi Singleton, Arlene Textaqueen, Murray Walker, Guan Wei
Sue Batten, Chris Cochius, Amy Cornall, John Dicks, Milly Formby, Hilary Green, Rachel Hine, Laura Mar, Peta Meredith, Rebecca Moulton, Hannah Rother, Jennifer Sharpe, Joy Smith, Cheryl Thornton, Caroline Tully
Where: Australian Tapestry Workshop
262 - 266 Park Street
South Melbourne VIC 3205