Debris Facility is a parasitic methodology that’s taken hold of the host body of Dan Bell since 2015.
Manipulating and re-purposing the host, and it’s resources, the Facility tends to work collaboratively, situationally, and responsive to site. Recently they have produced a collaborative show between Dan Bell and Debris Facility at Westspace Consequences of compression which has leaky boundaries into other sites and exhibitions. They’ve self initiated a studio project for spring equinox, which also related to work produced for a multi-artist project as part of the 2nd Tbilisi triennial. Their works exist in multiple formats, across different spaces- through gifts, private collections, public incursions, and landfill.
While undertaking a residency at the ATW, Debris Facility utilised their project to further research into textiles as a membrane and framing device for the body, and how those borders shift.