The Australian Tapestry Workshop is thrilled to announce the weaving of a tenth Embassy Tapestry: ‘The Royal Harvest’ designed by Kaantju/Umpila artist Naomi Hobson for the Australian Embassy to Indonesia in Jakarta.
‘The Royal Harvest’ tapestry has been generously funded by members of the Myer family in honour of Arnold Hancock OBE, former Chairman of the ATW.
Hobson says her design for the ‘The Royal Harvest’ tapestry ‘represents the bounty left behind from our ancient trades between my people in Cape York and Indonesians. The shapes suggest trading movement through country and the colours are capturing the energy, joy, abundance and excitement of trading between the two cultures. I am expressing vibrant relationships that have blossomed an enriched village life of today with exotic flavours, diversity of our language and skills’.
‘The Royal Harvest’ will take up to 6 months to complete before it is installed on long term loan at the Australian Embassy in Jakarta. The embassy tapestries are a rich collaboration between Indigenous artists and the master weavers at the Australian Tapestry Workshop as well as an innovative cultural program that places large-scale Australian-woven tapestries on loan to selected Australian embassies around the world.