The NGV is thrilled to invite their Members to an exclusive visit to the Australian Tapestry Workshop (ATW) to hear from artist Maree Clarke about a new tapestry commission with the ATW.
Maree Clarke (Yorta Yorta/Wamba Wamba/Mutti Mutti/Boonwurrung) and Mitch Mahoney (Boonwurrung/Barindki) have collaborated on a tapestry design commissioned for the new Footscray Hospital. Welcome to Country – now you see me: seeing the invisible incorporates microscopic images of river reeds from the Maribyrnong River and skeletal drawings of local native flora and fauna.
The design will be transformed into a three-dimensional tapestry spanning 4.2 x 10 metres for the hospital foyer and will take weavers over 12 months to weave in the ATW South Melbourne studio.
The program will also include a talk by ATW Senior Weaver Amy Cornall who will share insights into the weaving process and the collaboration with the artists.
Your ticket to this exclusive event includes access to the ATW’s South Melbourne gallery and studio floor, with refreshments provided and a welcome by ATW Director Sophie Travers.