After completing a number of design samples, ATW weaver Interns Karlie Hawking, Leith Maguire and Sophie Morris have recently begun work on their first full size tapestry under the supervision of Master Weaver Sue Batten.
22 Temenggong Road, Twilight,designed by Australian-born architect Justin Hill, was the winner of the 2016 Tapestry Design Prize for Architects.The design concept of22 Temenggong Road, Twilightis based on Justin Hill's first-hand experience living in Asia. Hill says of the design:
"The subject is my house where I lived through my 30s and 40s... The scene is early one evening, taken from an adjusted photograph looking from the garden... when the luminous blue of the short tropical twilight briefly equalises with the light of the house. Only then is the interior of the house revealed through layers of fraying blinds, window mesh..."