In 2014 the ATW wove its way into history, becoming the first to translate an artwork by HRH The Prince of Wales into a unique tapestry.
The tapestry is a translation of a watercolour painting produced by His Royal Highness. After visiting the ATW in 2012 His Royal Highness was enchanted by the skill of our weavers and the vibrant colours of our Australian wool. The tapestry was later commissioned by Mr Tony Beddison AO. ATW weavers Pamela Joyce and Chris Cochius were thrilled to work on such an auspicious project.
During his visit His Royal Highness expressed interest in the ways that ATW is reimagining the ancient craft of tapestry weaving through a contemporary lens. He was also intrigued by our commitment to sustaining the art of dyeing, through the work of master dyer Tony Stefanovski. As Patron of the Campaign for Wool, His Royal Highness was very interested in the fact that our Australian wool product can be traced back to the farmer, and by our commitment to sustainable and humane animal practices.
The Premier of Victoria The Hon Dr Denis Napthine and Mr Beddison AO cut off the completed tapestry during a ceremony at the Australian Tapestry Workshop on the 14th of May 2014.