Learn traditional string bag weaving technique with Wadawurrung woman and ATW Artist in Residence, Tammy Gilson.
A string bag is a type of carry bag traditionally made and used by Wadawurrung people. In this workshop, you will make a string bag or ballang as it is known to Wadawurrung using jute and ATW yarn. You will learn techniques including rope-making through hands-on practice under Tammy’s tuition. The finished ballang can be personalised with emu feathers or possum fur.
Saturday 26 October, 10AM – 12.30PM at the Australian Tapestry Workshop
COST: $125 | ATW Friends $115 | Students $105
Tammy Gilson is a proud Wadawurrung woman and award-winning weaver living on Wadawurrung Country. Tammy is an Artist in Residence at the ATW in 2024 and will be working on a large-scale woven project and experimenting with natural dyes during her residency.
Gilson's contemporary fibre artwork practice draws upon traditional Southeastern Victorian Aboriginal weaving practices and is a dissemination of Cultural knowledge practiced by her ancestors. Since 2014 Tammy has expressed continuity of cultural practice and technique using sourced materials from Wadawurrung Country with the objective to visually document truth, cultural perspective, and sustainability.
Gilson is a multi-award-winning master weaver whose work is highlighted as a Blak Designer, with linkages to Wadawurrung and English ancestry of basket weavers.