Friends and supporters raised their glasses to another wonderful year of contemporary tapestry at the Australian Tapestry Workshop end of year celebration.
This event was an unique opportunity for our supporters and friends to get up close and personal with the tapestries in our colourful studio. Recently completed on the loom was the 22 Temenggong Road, Twilight tapestry, winner of the 2016 Tapestry Design Prize for Architects. We will be rolling up this magnificent tapestry as it nears its completed size of 2.35 x 3.5m.
Other highlights include the recently opened Passion For Tapestry: Small Tapestries from a Private Collection. This new exhibition of Tuppy Cole's exquisite tapestry collection was collected from 2004 to 2017. Featuring works by artists: GW Bot, Belinda Fox, Graham Fransella, Helen Fuller, Deborah Klein, Pauline Sunfly Nangala, Nusra Latif Qureshi, and weavers: Sue Batten, Grazyna Bleja, Chris Cochius, Amy Cornall, Milly Formby, Louise King, Sara Lindsay, Rebecca Moulton, Laura Mar, Cheryl Thornton.
Over 30 small tapestries from leading contemporary Australian and international artists and weavers were available for sale. Whether you are were an experienced collector, considering your first tapestry, or looking for a unique Christmas gift with tapestries ranging from $100 to $80000, there was something here for you. Your support in purchasing a tapestry from the ATW will assist us in creating more opportunities for weaver and artists to collaborate and push the boundaries of contemporary tapestry weaving.
Time: 6pm - 8pm
Where: Australian Tapestry Workshop
262 - 266 Park Street
South Melbourne VIC 3205
Free event. All are welcome.
RSVP essential.