These artists are interested in patterns, lines, stripes, shapes, repetition and colour expressed through the tactile sensibility of textiles.
These artists are interested in patterns, lines, stripes, shapes, repetition and colour expressed through the tactile sensibility of textiles.
'Robyn Daw: Curious Nature' celebrates the life and work of the late Robyn Daw, who was a weaver at the ATW from 1986 to 1989, as well as an artist, curator, educator and writer.
Presented in partnership with Artbank for Craft Contemporary 2023 and the Tapestry Foundation of Australia. This exhibition is on concurrently at both the Australian Tapestry Workshop and Artbank.
Explore the tapestry designs by the 10 finalists in the 2023 Tapestry Design Prize for Architects.
‘Vessel, Cloth and Cloak’ features artists and designers who use textiles to create functional objects, jewellery, vessels, and wearable objects that carry, protect, contain and cover. This exhibition has been curated alongside Melbourne Design Week, responding to the themes of cultural currency, production transparency and legacy.
The '2022 Artists in Residence Group Show' is a celebration of the artists who resided at the ATW in 2022.
In collaboration with Bunjil Place, 'Woven Together' is an exhibition casting a spotlight on the unique and important contribution the Australian Tapestry Workshop (ATW) has made to the creation of contemporary tapestry in Australia over the past four decades.
‘In House: Works by ATW Weavers’ celebrates the artistry and creativity of past and current weavers at the Australian Tapestry Workshop.